Notes On…”A New Decade.”

Well, it has been a long time since I last posted anything so I thought I would put finger to keyboard and get something out there.

Notes On…’The Scent of Water’

Rain Smell Wet pavements and still air marks a memory. Rain smell is abundant. Some Saturday, now or then, it matters not, i tread the same path with only slight alteration. 

Notes On…’A Troubled Time’

The Bearer of the Monotone Man The sounds of years ago are the sounds of today. Unchanged and a constant. Here they play again as if from nowhere.

Notes On…’The Worn String that Binds.’

The Dolt to the Pigeon   A deluge of doltery binds this muscle together, like a lost parcel wrapped in ripped paper and worn string. Still, it remains together, despite the attempts at disentanglement.

Notes On…”A Changed Time”

Of Silenced Beats   Show me the light of Glen Park in ninety one, and I will show you the death of its future. Of wren in hedge and of honesty and innocence in untouched windows. Where frogs rest in rocks laying in wait for the company of human hand.

Notes On…’Returning’

This Burning Moth   This moth is on fire with the ignition of the stone cold remnants. Brought upon by the chance stumbling of the abandonment of you. It whirs and whirs, and collides and crashes, like a blinded mole in sunlight, until the tiny holes of vision settle to the sight.

Notes On…’A March Moment…’

The Tale of Unspoken Affection Between Men   It was the night of a party, and drinks covered the tables. A slight sense of bitterness between him and another. But the focus was on you, and he flirted without fear.

Notes On…’The Sensitivity of Youth Pt1′

After discovering the collection of poems I wrote as a youngster, I thought I would share some of them in a continuing series of posts about the sensitivity, and darkness that our youth can sometimes bring. So, here are the first two….and bare in mind that my knowledge and use of good language at thatContinue reading “Notes On…’The Sensitivity of Youth Pt1′”

Notes On…’The First BIG Life Decision’

So…life decisions. We have to make so many of them. And nothing prepares you for them; you have to do that all by yourself. They don’t warn you about these decisions at school/college/university do they? And what I mean by these decisions is moving house, getting married, having children and changing/adopting a religion etc. TheContinue reading “Notes On…’The First BIG Life Decision’”